Documentation for Modular Female Character System


### Documentation for ModularFemaleCharacter System

#### Overview

The `ModularFemaleCharacter` system is designed to provide a flexible and modular way to handle character customization in Unity. This system allows for various parts of a character (such as bottoms, tops, glasses, hair, and shoes) to be toggled on or off, enabling the creation of numerous character variations.

#### Components

1. **CharacterProperties Structure**

2. **ModularFemaleCharacter Class**

#### CharacterProperties Structure

The `CharacterProperties` structure holds the references and indices for the various character parts. Each part is represented by a `Transform` and an `int` index, which indicates the active child under the `Transform`.

##### Fields:

- `bottomTransform`: Transform containing bottom part variations.

- `bottomIndex`: Index of the active bottom part (0-4).

- `topTransform`: Transform containing top part variations.

- `topIndex`: Index of the active top part (0-4).

- `glassesTransform`: Transform containing glasses variations.

- `glassesIndex`: Index of the active glasses (0-2).

- `hairTransform`: Transform containing hair variations.

- `hairIndex`: Index of the active hair (0-6).

- `shoesTransform`: Transform containing shoes variations.

- `shoesIndex`: Index of the active shoes (0-4).

#### ModularFemaleCharacter Class

The `ModularFemaleCharacter` class is responsible for initializing and managing the character properties defined in `CharacterProperties`.

##### Methods:

- **Start()**

  - Calls `Init` to set initial character part states based on `characterProperties`.


- **Init()**

  - Sets the initial state of each character part using their respective indices.

- **OnValidate()**

  - Ensures that any changes made in the Unity editor are immediately reflected.

- **ActivateSelected(Transform t, int value)**

  - Deactivates all child objects under the given `Transform`, then activates the child at the specified index.

- **SetBottomIndex(int value)**

  - Sets the active bottom part based on the provided index.

- **SetTopIndex(int value)**

  - Sets the active top part based on the provided index.

- **SetGlassesIndex(int value)**

  - Sets the active glasses based on the provided index.

- **SetHairIndex(int value)**

  - Sets the active hair based on the provided index.

- **SetShoesIndex(int value)**

  - Sets the active shoes based on the provided index.

#### Usage

1. Attach the `ModularFemaleCharacter` script to a GameObject in the Unity Editor.

2. Assign the relevant Transforms to the `CharacterProperties` fields.

3. Set the initial indices for each part as desired.

4. Run the scene to see the character with the specified parts active.

5. Use the public methods (`SetBottomIndex`, `SetTopIndex`, etc.) to dynamically change the character's appearance at runtime.

This setup allows for a highly customizable character system, ideal for games or applications requiring dynamic character customization.


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