
Documentation for Modular Female Character System

  ### Documentation for ModularFemaleCharacter System #### Overview The `ModularFemaleCharacter` system is designed to provide a flexible and modular way to handle character customization in Unity. This system allows for various parts of a character (such as bottoms, tops, glasses, hair, and shoes) to be toggled on or off, enabling the creation of numerous character variations. #### Components 1. **CharacterProperties Structure** 2. **ModularFemaleCharacter Class** #### CharacterProperties Structure The `CharacterProperties` structure holds the references and indices for the various character parts. Each part is represented by a `Transform` and an `int` index, which indicates the active child under the `Transform`. ##### Fields: - `bottomTransform`: Transform containing bottom part variations. - `bottomIndex`: Index of the active bottom part (0-4). - `topTransform`: Transform containing top part variations. - `topIndex`: Index of the active top part (0-4). - `glassesTransform`: Tra...

Sensing Component 2D Documentation

 SensingComponent2D Documentation 1. Introduction This document provides a comprehensive guide for setting up and using the SensingComponent2D in Unity. The SensingComponent2D allows objects to detect other objects within a vision cone and respond to noise events, making it suitable for implementing AI perception in your game. 2. Setup Guide 2.1 Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have the following:     Unity 2022.3.22f1 or later     Basic understanding of C# and Unity development 2.2 Installation     Download the SensingComponent2D files: Ensure you have the SensingComponent2D.cs script.     Add Script to Unity Project: Place the downloaded script in the appropriate folder within your Unity project's Assets directory. 2.3 Configuration     SensingComponent2D Initialization: Add the SensingComponent2D script to a GameObject in your scene to enable vision and hearing capabilities. 3. Script Reference 3.1 SensingComponent2D Cl...

Sensing Component Documentation

 This documentation explains how to use the "Sensing Component" and its related configurations in Unity. The provided scripts can be utilized to develop AI characters with the ability to see and hear objects within the game. SensingConfig.cs SensingConfig.cs is a ScriptableObject-based configuration file. This file contains settings for the SensingComponent, enabling easy management and customization of sensor configurations within the game. enableDebugging : Toggles debugging mode. visionRadius : Radius of the vision cone. visionLength : Length of the vision cone. visionSegments : Number of segments to form the vision cone. detectionLayer : Layer mask for detection. sensingInterval : Time interval between sensing operations (in seconds). maxHearingVolume : Maximum volume sensitivity for hearing. enableHearing : Toggles hearing capability. enableVision : Toggles vision capability. To create a SensingConfig file, follow these steps in Unity:     Go to Assets > Create ...